
ORDER NOW : Email:

You can be the first to own one of our new T Shirts. Order one right here at our website. Just email us and request your size(s) and quantity. They come in women and mens sizes Small, Medium, Large and Xtra Large!

Payment Methods

Right now we are accepting orders before our official online store and credit card handling system is launched which may take a while… So at the moment we can only accept cash, personal checks and money orders.

Thank you for your order!

The New Shirts Are Here!

Hey kids! We just got a truckload of newly designed Jack Daniel style T shirts. They have been really popular. If you want one and can’t wait to grab one at our show, let us know and will send it right out to you. Just email us at: and request your size. They come in women and mens sizes Small SM, Medium MED, Large LG and Xtra Large XL!

Online Store & Credit Card Ordering Coming Soon!

Yeah baby! We are hard at work setting up our new web ordering system so you can buy Tim Rockmore Band merch and other items. It will be a while so please email us if you want to order official gear now.

Thank you for your trust and patience!

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